Looking ahead to my final output, my tutor suggested that I look for inspiration in other’s work as a reference point for something to work towards, therefore, I have looked into a few showreels, industry talks and blogs to better illustrate in my mind what exactly I am going to produce.
A few simulations – Themrleoniasty
Overall, a very good showreel, it’s short and sweet, which is ideal since most hirers in the industry look for a 1-2 minute reel. Some very nice, simple looking simulations with a focus on photorealism, mainly focusing on particle simulations and viscous liquids. Also includes some pyro FX and volumetrics. Ideally this is the sort of video I would aim for as my final output , as it’s very to the point and displays a good knowledge of the software.
Let’s Houdini – Anonymous
A great blog I found after looking for some write ups on procedural modelling. The blog itself is made by someone who spent a long time with Maya and decided to give Houdini a try, wanting to explore it’s procedural nature. Not so much a learning resource, but it shows a great amount of progress through using the software over a short period of time, through various experiments such as making a procedural building, rigid body dynamics and pyro FX. The blog itself hasn’t been updated in some years, but the posts that are there are very interesting and somewhat informative.
Ghost Recon Wildlands Terrain Tools and Technology
GDC talk regarding Houdini’s use in games, specifically the latest in the Ghost Recon series. Houdini’s terrain tools were used to great effect in designing the playable area at a fraction of the time and manpower since going procedural. While the talk doesn’t go into much detail about the actual tools used, the technology behind the game world is quite fascinating.