Brief Summary
The Pyro FX section of my final output, past some initial difficulties with finding learning resources, was probably the easiest section of my final output. Mainly due to the ease of real time playback in the viewport, as well as the relatively quick renders compared to some of my other sections, both of these enabled me to implement quick changes and immediately see them fed back to me in the viewport.
Out of the 3 renders I made as part of the Pyro section of my output, my favourite was probably the billowy smoke that I had created, when compared to my initial render of smoke earlier in this blog, I feel like the improvement is very clear to see, whereas before the smoke looked quite unrealistic, I believe that progressing my skills resulted in a close to photoreal render.
There isn’t too much that I would change about any of these renders, the only thing that I feel like I could stand to improve is learning vector operators, which I came across in some initial Pyro tutorials, but decidedly left out my experiments since they were well above my current skill level, so this is something that I will detail further in my learning plan towards the end of this project.
My Pyro renders can be viewed here.