Final Showreel


Camera Mapping

This shot is definitely my least favourite part of the showreel, while it does work, it doesn’t do well to show off the textures since it wasn’t properly rendered and is just a recording of my viewport, which also prevented me from adding any post processing effects such as depth of field, which would have greatly improved the scene. The improvements to this scene that I would make would obviously be to figure out the method of getting my renders to work, either by trying a different standalone rendering engine, or updating my version of Arnold / Maya.


Very pleased with how this one turned out, since I managed to get my solve down to 0.18 as well as accurately lighting the scene and correctly applying my textures on the signpost. To improve this scene I would definitely consider adding more models and doing further work in texturing to make it look more realistic, but for the purposes of showing off the accuracy of my track I think the shot works quite well.


Incredibly proud of this shot, whilst the topology of my model isn’t very clean, the final render and textures do very well to sell the realism and enable to model to retain a lot of detail in close up, I’m especially happy with my edge work around the analogue sticks, as I think they do a good job of reflecting the light in the scene. To improve I would first clean up the geometry, making sure to get rid of any triangles or ngons, and also I would do some more texturing work, such as adding some more normal detail to create a groove around the base of the controller.

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